Desktop computers or PCs as they are commonly called (which is from the old name Personal Computers) are still really popular. Why? You get more bang for your buck and much more can be fixed on a PC than on a laptop.
This means you can get a more powerful PC, with more processing power and ability to do graphics and play games than you can on any other device – e.g. laptop or tablet. Also it means that the repairs are cheaper as the desktop has more removable and therefore replaceable parts. But, say, a laptop, often various parts can not be removed, such as the graphics card. Even if your motherboard is faulty, on a PC, it can be replaced relatively easily and at a much lower cost than a laptop.
Generally, PC repairs are still really popular as they can be done easily and cheaply. Extra Computers can service and repair any desktop computer – HP (Hewlett Packard), IBM, Dell, Sony, Samsung, Compaq, Toshiba or any other brand. In fact, approximately 50% of the PC repairs we do are from “unbranded” PC, often locally made. They tend to be of good quality and well worth fixing.
A lot of people like the fixed nature of a PC, others, that you can get a lot of processing power for a heap less money than a laptop. This is particularly useful for gamers, video or music editors or people with an office.
If you need to buy a PC we can you with that too as we offer a great high quality PC build with our own unique build process that ensure the highest and most stable quality PC around.